Italy - is one of the European countries, where students come from all around the world. Why do most choose this country? The explanation is quite simple - a high level of education in relatively low tuition. For comparison, it should be said that education in Germany or the United Kingdom is much more expensive.
One may think what is the difference between studying in the home country rather than moving abroad to study the same course when it is readily available in their country. With the world continuously shrinking and with the best colleges and universities offering their courses at the doorstep of the student, there are numerous reasons why students choose higher education in Italy.
Here are some advantages that Italian public universities may offer to you:
1. High quality academic programs which are internationally recognized.
2. Possibility of utilizing visa-free travel to the EU countries.
3. Possibility to obtain a regional scholarship for students with a low family income.
4. Unique scholarships and funding opportunities for all.
5. Very low tuition fee which depends on family income ranging €300 to €2000.
6. Right to work 20 hours a week.
7. Opportunity to continue their studies in any university in Europe.
8. Wonderful climate.