The recent national evaluation of research quality (ANVUR) ranks University of Piemonte Orientale at the 4th place between Italian midsized Universities and at the 1st place in many disciplines: Biology, Political Sciences, Sociology, Computer Science, Physical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Public Health, Philosophy, History, and Sociology. Experimental medicine and the clinical sciences are 2nd in the national rank and 1st in the public. University is a partner of several European research and education programs and is acknowledged as a competent partner of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), the European Union body for risk assessment regarding food safety.

The university is located in three small towns where you can easily walk around: Alessandria, Novara, and Vercelli, in the east of Piedmont Region. Milan is just 50 km away from the University of Piemonte Orientale, and Turin is also nearby.

The city is full of tourist places and home to so many tourists from all over the world.

Master of Medical Biotechnologies

Number of Credits: 120

English language requirement: level A2

Admission Requirements: Holding an Undergraduate in Biology, Biotechnology, or closely related cognate fields within the Health Sciences

Self-Assessment Test to See If You Are Eligible

Test Answer

Application Deadline: June 15

Course Description:

The Course in Medical Biotechnologies is designed to prepare graduate students with solid chemical and biological knowledge, with particular interest in the pathophysiological and diagnostic contexts. The course aims to provide interdisciplinary lessons based on various fields of biotechnologies of medical interest, with particular emphasis on basic research, diagnostics, therapeutics, and regenerative medicine.

The educational objectives of the Course are focused on achieving a graduate preparation that will enable the student to:

  • Have a good basic understanding of complex biological systems, studied at the molecular and cellular level, in particular related to humans.
  • Possess the cultural background and the multidisciplinary experimental techniques that characterize the biotechnological environment for the production of services through the use of biological systems.
  • Possess adequate skills for communication and information management in the international arena.
  • Be able to work in a team, maintaining solid operative autonomy.

The University offers free language courses.

For transport, the best way will be bikes. Also, there is the option for those who choose to travel by bus.

STUDENTS RESIDENCE, Please notice that bed places are given through a public competition, so if you would like to stay in the Residence you should apply by the beginning of September (mind the time zone).

As for the other types of accommodation, the city is small and is not a tourist spot, therefore living expenses are lower. For instance, we can mention some approximate prices for renting accommodations as shown below:

A single room with a shared bathroom in a multi-bedroom house (ranging from 1300 to 200 Euros/month)

A small suite with a separate bathroom, toilet, and kitchen (ranging from 180 to 250 Euros/month)

A single-room apartment (ranging from 300 to 350 Euros/month)